I’m sure just about every programming-related site/blog/whatever starts with this, and maybe there’s a reason for it.
With that almost-disclaimer out of the way, it’s great to finally have a good homepage up for the world to see. As I start launching and working on various projects, I’m sure (and hope) that many will wonder things like “who wrote this magnificent code?”, or “who built this useful tool?”, and that is what this site is for. Here, I’ll dump my thoughts, opinions, ramblings, and anything else I want to share.
Most likely, it’ll be completely empty until I feel like putting anything in it, but isn’t that the joy of personal blogging? After buying this domain name quite a while ago, it took me a while to start filling it with projects that I’ve been undergoing, but I’m ready to see how things stack up, and hope this site will be a great way for people to get in contact with me, explore what I’m working on, and get a little piece of the “Vados” in Vadosware.
Funny enough, I rolled my own website before deciding to go with WordPress.
Then I realized that it was a terrible idea, no matter how good I thought my site looked.