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Progress on Konvention


As the first candidate for alpha, Konvention is coming along very very nicely. I made some updates to it today, worked out the contact form (considered just linking to this wordpress and installing the Contact-Form7 plugin, but thought better of it). It was really easy to finish that up with the Emailer plugin for Yii (no idea why I had problems with it before)

After adding/updating some general site stuff as I saw it, I also implemented a naive text-based search for the front page (arguably the most important part of the app, but at this point I’m just going with a naive implementation, no desire to learn sphinx or anything right now) — And it works surprisingly well! Of course, there’s not much data in there right now (maybe one best practice for Python), but it seems like everything is good on that end.

After working through some problems with jTruncate and changing the view page for established contexts (Right now it’s just a list of contexts for some reason…), I’ll be ready to get some real input on this project.