After much (close to zero) fanfare, VCFPorter 1.1 has been released!
Check it out on the VCFPorter marketplace page
Here are the changes in v1.1:
Small bugfixes in this release
- Already-parsed file was not properly redirecting to select contacts view
- Fix small typo in code for handling categories
- Fix slack space on left and right in vcf file and contact lists
- Fixed issue #18 (select/deselect not updating lists in UI)
After a pleasant experience developing the app and publishing it to the FirefoxOS marketplace, I received a review (and am super grateful to have anyone even use the app, much less leave a review with some pointers on what to fix) from a user that noticed the (very noticable) bug affecting select/deselect all buttons.
While it was a known bug that I left in when I shipped 1.0 (because agile? because bad developer? because chaos monger? because lazy?), I moved up my plans to fix the bug (and make a 1.1 release).
This was great practice in app development, and getting a chance to see how my decisions and actions panned out, and delivering value to my “customers”. VCFPorter is the first FirefoxOS app I’ve developed, and I’m excited that people took the time to try it out, found some issues, and I was able to fix the issue and deliver more value.
It’s almost like I’m doing software development *right*, definitely something to be thankful for!