It's time to stop using merge commits. Disable them (and squashes) and just fast-forward all your commits!
Fixing an issue with emacs and pinentry that was breaking my commit experience.
Some tips for writing better makefiles
You should be using direnv to load your ENV variables per folder (project, etc). You can use it to dynamically load files, configure git, and more.
pg_idkit is an extension powered by pgx that makes generating identifiers based on new schemes (UUIDv6, v7, v8, etc) easy.
If you're going to write a large component of a system, always write an interface even if it has one implementation.
How closing issues automatically is destroying our society, one cold trail at a time.
MailCatcher: a very straightforward local email testing tool
Worried you (or your org) are not 'doing it right'? Get (or at least start following practices used by) Gitlab