tl;dr - This post explains how I built (LWHN), an unofficial OAuth2+OpenID connect provider for HackerNews. LWHN is for builders who want to share things with the HN audience, and cuts down friction like any other OAuth2+OpenID connect provider. LWHN is now open to the public for new client app registration, so check it out if you’re interested.
DISCLAIMER: I wrote this article with the knowledge that Ory would share it later on their blog/marketing channels. Ory’s product Hydra powers LWHN’s OAuth2+OpenID Connect integration and I whole heartedly endorse it.
Login is often one of the last things I think about while building a new project. I’ve built the email + password flow so many times now that I can do it in my sleep:
/etc password hashes with high work (round) countHTTPOnly
+ Secure
cookies with expiryMost people would use a framework like Rails or Django here to save themselves the time but that’s not my style (see rest of this blog).
Anyway, instead of doing too much, one thing I don’t do enough of is thinking about login from a user-centric point of view. Case in point – no one cares how secure your login is, they care that it’s convenient.
It’s a fine line – don’t build insecure software (users don’t like apps that leak all their data), but also don’t bombard users with friction.
So rephrased, the question isn’t how to build a secure, correct login implementation, or even if you should have someone else build it (great options like, Ory Cloud and supertokens are out there).
The right question is what kind of login flow will spark joy be least annoying for your users.
I build a lot of projects/products with people who surf HackerNews in mind – it’s one of the best moderated high traffic tech communities out there, full of people who are willing to be early adopters of projects and ideas.
The secret is probably some combination of HN’s stellar moderation team and maybe the focus/industry and the people it attracts. I’m not smart enough to understand completely why HN is so good, but one thing I know is that I rate the random seasoned HN user’s opinion over a lot of the rest of the internet, even when most commenters on a topic are completely, hilariously wrong, and routinely condescending/nitpicky.
The mix of early adopters, people with fresh ideas (and many dragging around many stale-but-good ideas like SQLite and Postgres), is often the right people to pan rough drafts of ideas and apps.
Anyway, getting back to the task at hand – these days login has been federated/distributed for most social/non-social apps, thanks to a few different frameworks:
)People are getting very simple login flows by just dropping “Login with Google” or “Login with Twitter” buttons on their pages! That’s something I’d love when building products for HackerNews.
Well, this is a short writeup on how I built LoginWithHN (Spoiler alert: it’s possible, and actually kind of an easy hack).
As usual, it’s good to Read The Fucking Manual (RTFM) – first I needed to make sure that it makes sense to attempt to do what I’m trying to do. Simple questions:
If you’re not an OAuth expert, try to read at least some of the guides on delegated AuthN/AuthZ below. I recommend starting with CAS, as it’s the simplest and they all work very similarly.
After reading links above (or not) hopefully you come to the same conclusions I did:
OAuth2 + OpenIDConnect is the obvious answer here – there’s no requirement for the login credentials to be a username/password (that’d be silly), a username and password for (OAuth2 at least)
At this point I have a pretty set stack for the projects I want to build fast, and it looks like this:
is actually too loose, most of the time – I always end up writing in some sort of component system which manages lifecycle. NestJS is the best mix of pragmatism and “enterprise” application creature comforts that I’ve seen so far.Obviously, the real question here is what should I use to provide the dynamic OIDC part of my flow? At first I chose panva/node-oidc-provider
. The documentation is thorough but unfortunately the onboarding just wasn’t easy enough for me.
Unfortunately node-oidc-provider
had no ready-to-use Postgres DB adapter – there’s a rough edge example, but the more I read the documentation, and the more I implemented the surface of the API you needed to slot in the more I was convinced that it was just… too hard.
A couple things went distinctively wrong:
with NestJS was more difficult than I expected (everything’s just a (req, res) => void
right? in the end it better to use a Controller
rather than a NestJS Middleware
revealed a semi-attribute-value style layoutThis project actually sat on the shelf for 6 months during this time, as I had more important fish to fry – thinking about it was a constant source of discontent. Funnily enough, I gave up just when I had figured everything out – and I had just written a glorious DB adapter that actually worked like I wanted it to:
import { Logger } from "@nestjs/common";
import { DBService } from "./services/db";
import {
} from "./types";
import {
} from "./models";
* Arguments required to build an oidc-provider adapter that uses a DBService
* @see buildOIDCAdapter
interface BuildDBOIDCAdapterArgs {
db: DBService;
logger?: Logger;
export type OIDCAdapterClassFunction = (name: string) => void;
* Builder for OIDC Adapter that uses a DBService
* @see
* @param {BuildDBOIDCAdapterArgs} args
* @returns {Promise<Function>} A constructor function that builds oidc-provider compliant functions
export async function buildOIDCAdapter(args: BuildDBOIDCAdapterArgs): Promise<OIDCAdapterClassFunction> {
const { db, logger } = args;
// Create anonymous class that performans as an Adapter usable by oidc-provider
return function DBOIDCAdapter(name) { = name;
this.db = db;
this.upsert = async (
partialID: OIDCProviderModelID,
payload: OIDCProviderModel,
expiresInSeconds?: number,
) => {
const fullID = this.key(partialID);
const expiresAt = expiresInSeconds ? new Date(new Date().getTime() + (expiresInSeconds * 1000)) : null;
const modelClass = getTypeForOIDCProviderModelName(;
const validator = getTypeValidatorForOIDCProviderModelName(;
// Ensure the payload matches what we expect the model class to look like?
if (!validator(payload)) {
logger?.error(`Invalid payload for OIDC model class [${}]: ${JSON.stringify(payload, null, ' ')}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid payload for OIDC model class [${}]`);
// Grantable classes must have grant
await db.upsertEntityByID(modelClass, fullID, {...payload, expiresAt });
this.find = async (partialID: OIDCProviderModelID) => {
const cls = getTypeForOIDCProviderModelName(;
const fullID = this.key(partialID);
const entity = await db.findEntity(cls, { id: fullID });
if (!entity) { return undefined; }
if (isExpirableEntity(entity)) {
if (new Date() <= entity.expiresAt) { return undefined; }
if (isConsumableEntity(entity)) {
if (new Date() < entity.consumedAt) { return undefined; }
return entity;
this.findByUserCode = async (userCode: string) => {
const cls = getTypeForOIDCProviderModelName(;
const entity = await db.findEntity(cls, { userCode });
if (!entity) { return undefined; }
return entity;
this.findByUid = async (uid: string) => {
const cls = getTypeForOIDCProviderModelName(;
const entity = await db.findEntity(cls, { uid });
if (!entity) { return undefined; }
return entity;
this.consume = async (partialID: OIDCProviderModelID) => {
const fullID = this.key(partialID);
const cls = getTypeForOIDCProviderModelName(;
if (!isConsumableOIDCProviderModel(cls)) {
throw new TypeError(`class [${}] is not consumable`);
await db.consumeEntity(cls, fullID);
this.destroy = async (partialID: OIDCProviderModelID) => {
const fullID = this.key(partialID);
await db.deleteEntity(getTypeForOIDCProviderModelName(, { id: fullID });
this.revokeByGrantId = async (partialGrantID: OIDCGrantID) => {
const id = `grant_${partialGrantID}`;
const grant = await db.findEntity<OIDCGrant>(OIDCGrant, {id});
if (!grant) { throw new Error(`No such OIDCGrant with ID [${id}]`); }
// Delete the grant and all related tokens
await db.deleteGrantAndRelatedEntities(id);
this.key = (id: string) => {
return `${getOIDCModelPrefix(}_${id}`;
The pain of having to figure out every single one of those enums & classes (OIDCGrant
, OIDCProviderModelID
), write the appropriate DB entities, and do the checks in a way that made sense to me, made me think: “why am I even using this library if I have to get this much into the weeds?”
I’m just too lazy to do this much work (to be fair I already did it but we’ll ignore that).
Luckily for me I’d seen Ory and their extensive toolset before, and was able to recall one of their solutions that would help – Ory Hydra.
Ory’s got a lot of tools with interesting names, and it’s often hard to remember what they do, but Hydra is the one in the toolbelt that makes OAuth2+OpenID Connect flows a breeze (and I can confirm they do!). They’ve got an excellent documentation site, the codebase is written in Golang (quite possibly the easiest to understand compiled language out there), and more importantly, they promise to take the complexity out of managing the OAuth2 flow.
I don’t manage any fo the grants revocation, etc, Hydra does the work for me.
Since Ory knows just how to appeal to developers, Hydra is a cinch to run locally with the oryd/hydra
Docker container:
@echo -e "Running local hydra...\n\n"
$(DOCKER) run --rm \
-it \
--network host \
-e DSN="${HYDRA_DSN}" \
--entrypoint /bin/ash \
-c "\
/usr/bin/hydra migrate sql --yes '${HYDRA_DSN}';\
/usr/bin/hydra serve all \
--dangerous-force-http \
--dangerous-allow-insecure-redirect-urls 'https://localhost'\
OK so there’s a LOT of environment variables there, but just ignore em for now (if you ever do this you can actually look up what they do).
I’ve modified the entrypoint
of the image because I want to do a few different things before I run hydra
serve all
to operate over unsecured HTTP on localhosthydra
to use insecure redirect URLs like HTTPS localhost (I actually don’t need this but it’s in the Makefile
so I’ll repeat it here)BTW: Just to ruffle some feathers out there – if you think containerization isn’t a massively useful tool in 2022, you’re wrong.
If you’re with me at this point, you now have a working OAuth2+OpenID connect compliant server – Done.
At this point we may have an OIDC compliant server, but we also need at least one client to make authentication requests to it!
You can do this quite easily by docker exec
-ing into that container we started earlier:
$(DOCKER) exec -it \
hydra clients create lwhn \
--endpoint="$(HYDRA_ADMIN_ENDPOINT_URL)" \
--post-logout-callbacks="$(LWHN_HYDRA_CLIENT_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI)" \
--grant-types=authorization_code \
--response-types=code \
Hydra’s got excellent documentation on the hydra clients create
So we’ve got an OAuth2 provider running, with a single OAuth client… but we haven’t actually written the app that we’re going to use to manage or do anything!
What were we trying to do again? It’s a bit meta but try to stick with me – LoginWithHN (LWHN) has three similar but slightly different integration points with Hydra:
Let’s shelf this for now though, because we’ve hit on something we need to zoom out and solve – how do we actually authenticate people from HN?
Let’s zoom back out and build the actual login mechanism – that shouldn’t be too hard to hack right?
Since HN has public profile pages that users can modify at any time, we can easily verify any user can access any account:
As many on HN helpfully noted, I’m not the first to use this sort of method, it’s been used to great effect in the past. The method really boils down to one important setInterval
// Start watching for account
let times = 0;
const intervalID = setInterval(
async () => {
try {
// If we've exceeded max checks, then stop polling
if (times >= maxChecks) {
throw new Error(`Exceeded max checks [${maxChecks}] (delayMs: ${delayMs})`);
// Check user's YC profile
this.logger.debug(`looking for [${displayToken}] on HN profile [${hnUsername}]`);
// // FUTURE: if fallbacks get implemented, require that delay from ENV is no less than 30 seconds like before!
// const resp = await axios.get(
// `${hnUsername}`,
// {responseType: 'text'},
// );
// const profileDataContainsCode =;
// Get user data using Firebase HN API
const resp = await axios.get(`${hnUsername}.json`);
const about = resp?.data?.about;
if (!about) {
this.logger.error("About unexpectedly missing on response from Firebase API");
// If the profile data contained the right info, then clear the interval and mark the account logged in
if (!about.includes(buildLoginTokenPhrase(displayToken))) { return; }
// At this point we have found the display token, the user has confirmed usage of the account
this.logger.debug(`found display token [${displayToken}] on HN profile [${hnUsername}]`);
// Confirm login success
await this.dbSvc.confirmLoginSuccessByHNUsername({
hnMetadata: {
karma: resp?.data?.karma,
// created is expected to be unix epoch
createdAtISOString: new Date(resp?.data?.created * 1000).toISOString(),
// Stop checking since it's been found
} catch (err) {
this.logger.error(`Error occurred while checking for HN profile page update: ${err.toString()}`);
this.ongoingPolls.set(hnUsername, displayToken);
And that’s basically it! you can imagine what this.dbSvc
(in fact the abstraction is a bit off there, that should be something like loginSvc
(which also exists!) but I digress.
OK, now we’ve got the basic functionality (well a sketch of it!) – let’s hook it up to Hydra. Let’s start by RTFMing:
Hydra’s gone above and beyond in providing this documentation and example app, so it’s smart to use/study them.
We need to create the source of truth for the Hydra OAuth2/OpenID Connect facade.
Out of this came a few NestJS controllers and endpoints that mediate the flow, here’s one example:
* POST /api/v1/login/start
* Start the login process for a given user
* @param {LoginStartRequest} body
* @returns {Promise<ResponseEnvelope<void>>} A promise that resolves when the process has started
async startLogin(
@Body(new ValidationPipe()) body: LoginStartRequest,
@Res() res: Response,
): Promise<void> {
const { hnUsername, loginChallenge } = body;
this.logger?.debug(`received start login request [${hnUsername}]`);
// Ory login challenge stuff
if (!loginChallenge) {
res.status(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST).send("Missing login challenge");
throw new BadRequestException("Missing login challenge");
// Get login request from Ory Hydra
try {
const hydraAdmin = await this.hydraSvc.getAdminAPI();
// Retrieve login request from Hydra
const { data: loginRequest } = await hydraAdmin.getLoginRequest(loginChallenge);
// If skip is specified, we can automatically pass the user
if (loginRequest.skip) {
// Accept login request
const { data: acceptLoginResp } = await hydraAdmin.acceptLoginRequest(
{ subject: String(loginRequest.subject) },
// Redirect to where Hydra says to
// Save challenge ID for the account
await this.dbSvc.updateEntityByQuery(Account, { hnUsername }, { hydraCurrentSessionID: loginRequest.session_id });
this.logger.debug(`saved login request challenge with ID [${loginRequest.challenge}]`);
} catch (err) {
this.logger.error(`Failed to login start w/ hydra: ${err.toString()}`);
// throw new InternalServerErrorException("Failed to process login challenge");
// ****** HERE is where we start checking for the user! ******
// Start login for user, returning a map of mechanisms that the user can use
const loginMechanism = await this.loginSvc.startLoginForAccountByHNUsername({ hnUsername, loginChallenge });
const response = {
status: ResponseStatus.Success,
data: {
// Send response back
That’s what it looks like to start the login flow. What I haven’t included here is the bit where I generate a login_challenge
from Hydra but it’s not hard to do (you’ll get one by just setting up Hydra correctly).
It’s not quite clear from just that code but the loginMechanism
that comes back is an object like this:
export enum LoginMechanismName {
PollHN = "poll-hn",
TOTP = "totp",
Email = "email",
export type HNUsername = string;
export type PollHNLoginMechanism = {
kind: LoginMechanismName.PollHN;
hnUsername: HNUsername;
displayToken: string;
export type TOTPCode = number;
export type TOTPLoginMechanism = {
kind: LoginMechanismName.TOTP;
hnUsername: HNUsername;
export type EmailAddress = string;
export type EmailLoginMechanism = {
kind: LoginMechanismName.Email,
hnUsername: HNUsername;
export type LoginMechanism = PollHNLoginMechanism | TOTPLoginMechanism | EmailLoginMechanism;
Implementing the Hydra login and consent flows was easy, I’ll avoid duplicating their documentation with this post. Similarly, including HN-specific data like karma count as OIDC claims was very easy during the Hydra integration.
LoginWithHN is obviously geared towards HN, but there are lots of other places people might want to login using a similar flow. Who knows when I’ll get to it, but expansion is an interesting prospect.
So now we’ve got the source of truth for Hydra in place, and we’ve got a theoretically functional flow, let’s build the app that exposes that flow for a demo to anyone who visits! It’s not hard to build, but paradoxically the more interesting part is that there’s another important setInterval
– instead of just POST
ing username/password details to our app and being whisked away to the OAuth2 server, we need to actually wait for a message to come back. I’ve kept it simple with some polling:
// Start polling to check for resolution of login
let intervalID = setInterval(
() => {
// Check whether the account has been confirmed using the display token
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
credentials: "same-origin",
body: JSON.stringify({ displayToken }),
.then(loginStartResp => processFetchJSONResponse({ response: loginStartResp }))
.then(envelope => processLoginResultData(envelope))
.then(loggedIn => {
if (!loggedIn) { return; }
// If login succeeded, then we can stop polling
// Next steps should have been triggered in processLoginResultData() and will be triggering soon
if (indicatorElem) { indicatorElem.classList.add("hidden"); }
.catch(err => {
variant: "error",
title: "Error while checking login",
description: `An error occurred while checking your profile... Please try <a href="/">logging in again</a>.`,
if (indicatorElem) { indicatorElem.classList.remove("hidden"); }
// You'll need this as well for context!
* Process the data fterp a login result, as
* all login methods produce the same LoginResultData object
* @returns {boolean} whether the login completed or not
function processLoginResultData(envelope) {
// Ensure data is present
if (! {
const err = new Error("Data missing from envelope");
err.responseData = envelope;
throw err;
// Ensure request succeeded
if (envelope.status !== "success") {
const err = new Error("Login failed");
err.responseData = envelope;
throw err;
// Get the redirect URL
const { confirmed, redirectURL } =;
// Return immediately if the user is still not confirmed
if (!confirmed) { return false; }
if (!redirectURL) {
const err = new Error("redirectURL unexpectedly missing from response");
err.responseData = envelope;
throw err;
// Show flash signalling successful login
variant: "success",
title: "Login successful",
description: "You've been logged in! Redirecting...",
// If the response succeeded, then the login cookie has been set,
// we can go to the page to finish out the login
setTimeout(() => window.location = redirectURL, LOGIN_SUCCESS_REDIRECT_WAIT_MS);
return true;
This time I’m checking in with the core functionality API to check whether the setInterval
from earlier has resolved itself.
If the user has logged in properly we show a little message and use window.location
redirect to the URL that you’d be redirectedto normally by POST
ing your username/password.
And that’s all it really takes! Of course I’m missing the rest of the owl, but just believe me here – it’s not that hard (you could do it yourself, probably in a day).
To make this tool actually useful to anyone else, we’re going to have to enable other client apps to do login with HN as well. This is basically as simple as interacting with the private Hydra administrative API and creating clients when people sign up. Rather than dropping more code, I’ll show the app I built to make it happen which was quite fun to build:
And below there, an example integration and some instructions for various ways to integrate
One repeatedly requested feature was the ability to limit users based on HN karma.
Since it’s pretty fraught for me to determine where the limit should be, I just expose it.
It was quite easy to do, since the official HN API produces user karma
// Confirm login success
await this.dbSvc.confirmLoginSuccessByHNUsername({
hnMetadata: {
karma: resp?.data?.karma,
// created is expected to be unix epoch
createdAtISOString: new Date(resp?.data?.created * 1000).toISOString(),
You’ve seen this code before (it’s in the larger code listing above) but worth noting – I just save it in the DB next to everything else when I confirm a successful login.
Though they’re related, HackerNews is not Y Combinator. Not every HN user is a YC founder, and one thing people have asked for a lot is being able to prove whether an HN user is indeed a YC founder. YC founders want to make things for YC founders (who they can get lightning-fast feedback from, etc), and maybe even some people who aren’t YC founders want to make things for YC founders.
Thanks to the help of OrangeDAO (which was recently covered by TechCrunch), it’s actually quite easy to build in the functionality.
Stay tuned for when that drops (or don’t – just go register now for an application and I’ll email you!).
There’s more to do, but that’s it for today! For those following along at home, if you were writing code you’d have already succesfully built the functionality that makes LoginWithHN tick.
Thanks for coming along on this ride – This project took a lot longer than it had to, but I’m glad to finally have it out there, and look forward to using it in my own projects. Building things for the HN community is always a joy, an hopefully now other people will have an option for getting auth hooked up that is extremely quick and easy to use.