How to get at __dirname and package information inside ES modules.
A pattern for how to handle ENV in SvelteKit on the back and front end. I basically sidestep the VITE_ prefix approach and just pass things through via the session.
An idea on how to manage services and stores just as flexibly as components are handled. The answer: make them web components.
Explaining Vue Going from almost-zero to Vue
A quick rough-and-tumble guide to manually writing OpenAPI v3 schemas (which you shouldn't be doing), with a focus on the NodeJS ecosystem
Hacking my way to a working CI build with JSPM and custom registries
More changes & improvements to my JSPM (SYSTEMJS) + JSDOM + Vue testing strategy
BSD + != F/OSS. Stop using React.
Expanding my `tape` E2E testing methodology with some new tooling
An exploration of my current thinking on component-centric libraries and why I am heavily considering using MithrilJS in primetime.
Getting JSPM, SystemJS, and Vue.JS to play nicely together