Fixing an issue with emacs and pinentry that was breaking my commit experience.
There and back again with terminal multiplexers, for relatively simple reasons with a surprising outcome.
Some tips for writing better makefiles
You should be using direnv to load your ENV variables per folder (project, etc). You can use it to dynamically load files, configure git, and more.
Spent a couple days building an app that no one needs -- learned a valuable lesson in how much I don't know about the Apple ecosystem.
Slonik is a Postgres database driver for NodeJS and it's pretty awesome. You should check it out if you haven't already.
Wondering what happens when a hard drive you're using on a Hetzner dedicated server fails? Wonder no longer.
A step by step guide on how to set up SES with Pulumi
Use redshift/flux and safeeyes/breaktimer to keep your eyes fresh!
A code snippet for running containers from your super simple tape ( NodeJS E2E tests
Announcing rbb (redis bootleg backup), a tool for backup up redis clusters with only client access. A tool for otherwise reasonable redis administrators backed into a corner and looking to jackhammer their way out.
Running mailtrain on kubernetes
I upgraded my tiny cluster from kubernetes v1.13.0 to 1.15.0, and only briefly visited a single pitfall.
A few talks I gave in June 2019 separately on Postgres and GitLab
A talk given at a Mercari Dev meetup ( on April 18th, 2019
Yet another article on the internet about how to reasonably manage multiple git personas
A quick rough-and-tumble guide to manually writing OpenAPI v3 schemas (which you shouldn't be doing), with a focus on the NodeJS ecosystem
Setting up Arch Linux to use both integrated (on-board, Intel) and discrete GFX (Radeon) cards.
Exploring the stepladder of features that lead to well-engineered backends