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Setting Up Mailtrain on K8s

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tl;dr - I set up a mailing list (for this blog) with Mailtrain on my tiny k8s cluster. Along the way I created a small rust binary for converting POST-ed forms to mailtrain API calls and a Mithril component for mailing list signupg call-to-actions.

UPDATE (06/02/2020)

A reader named Damien pointed out that I didn't leave a decent example for how I was using kustomize so I wanted to add to the mrman/makeinfra-pattern repository to point out how.

I updated the mrman/makeinfra-pattern repo on GitLab so that it now contains an example of how you could go about adding this to your setup. If you're interested specifically in the diff (what it took to get to kustomize integration), you can check that out as well.

I’ve been running this small blog for a while, and one of the things that I’ve never considered is that people might actually want to receive updates when I make new “content”. Up until now, whenever I’ve put up notifications on open forums related to the specific communities (mostly reddit, so r/haskell and r/kubernetes for example), or maybe thrown a submission to HackerNews, but as patio11 (If you’re not familiar with Patrick, read his post on salary negotiation for an intro) would (probably) say, email is a very underrated communication mechanism.

Step 0: RTFM (lightly)

Since this post is going to assume a lot of Kubernetes knowledge, those unfamiliar might want to stop reading take a look at the kubernetes documentation. This post is not a guide to kubernetes and already assumes you know the concepts.

mailtrain depends on quite a few pieces of software to run:

Obviously, you’re going to want to be somewhat familiar with those technologies before getting started. At least knowing what they are and why they exist is important, and how to do the minimal amount of administration and security on them.

A note on why Postgres would have been better - Postgres could have done a decent job providing the features of MariaDB/MySQL, MongoDB and Redis without breaking a sweat and tremendously reduced the dependencies, along with bringing in lots of features that mailtrain could have used. Some future me with more time would have dug around in the mailtrain codebase and tried to see if they’d made interfaces for these components and see if I could add a postgres implementation for each. I didn’t actually go spelunking through the code but there is an issue for Postgres support (issue #2!!) that’s basically dead, so maybe it’s better I didn’t take a look.

Step 1: Figure out how to integrate kustomize for templating with the Makeinfra pattern

As I’ve mentioned on this blog in the past, I manage and run my infrastructure with Makefiles – an approach I’ve nicknamed “Makeinfra” pattern. For this entry in my -infra repository, though, I’m going to be replacing venerable envsubst with kustomize (which was recently merged into kubectl) to make it even easier.

While Makefiles are not without downsides, make is very widely supported and can paper over multiple languages for a consistent interface to the software build process. Since I’m using make it’s a bit easier to replace envsubst with kustomize without too much shock, as the commands I run (ex. make deployment) don’t change. I did run into one teething issue with using kustomize – Kubernetes 1.16’s kubectl currently ships with a version of kustomzie that is too old to use the -o option as an output path, so I had to download kustomize manually. I was all-in-all pretty happy with how the kustomize-powered version of the makeinfra pattern turned out, the Makefile is massively simplified.

Here’s part of the updated Makefile to give a sense of how it wil be used:

GENERATED_DIR ?= generated

  mkdir -p $(GENERATED_DIR)

generate: generated-folder

# ... more targets ...

  $(KUBECTL) apply -f $(GENERATED_DIR)/*_persistentvolumeclaim_$(PREFIX)redis*.yaml

  $(KUBECTL) apply -f $(GENERATED_DIR)/*_deployment_$(PREFIX)redis*.yaml

  $(KUBECTL) apply -f $(GENERATED_DIR)/*_service_$(PREFIX)redis*.yaml

  $(KUBECTL) delete -f $(GENERATED_DIR)/*_deployment_$(PREFIX)redis*.yaml
    $(KUBECTL) delete -f $(GENERATED_DIR)/*_service_$(PREFIX)redis*.yaml

  $(KUBECTL) delete -f $(GENERATED_DIR)/*_persistentvolumeclaim_$(PREFIX)redis*.yaml

And here’s what kustomize.yaml looks like:

namePrefix: mailtrain-

namespace: vadosware-blog

  - name: mariadb-secrets
      - secrets/mariadb.MYSQL_USER.secret
      - secrets/mariadb.MYSQL_PASSWORD.secret
      - secrets/mariadb.MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.secret
  - name: mailtrain-secrets
      - secrets/mailtrain.WWW_SECRET.secret

  # redis
  - redis.svc.yaml
  - redis.deployment.yaml
  - redis.pvc.yaml
  # mongodb
  - mongodb.svc.yaml
  - mongodb.deployment.yaml
  - mongodb.pvc.yaml
  # mariadb
  - mariadb.svc.yaml
  - mariadb.deployment.yaml
  - mariadb.pvc.yaml
  # mailtrain
  - mailtrain.svc.yaml
  - mailtrain.deployment.yaml
  - mailtrain.pvc.yaml
  - mailtrain.ingress.yaml

  app: vadosware-mailtrain

Note that the YAML in this post will be the generated YAML, not the template to make it easier for those who aren’t familiar with kustomize.

Step 2: Write lots of YAML

OK, so at this point I’m very familiar with Kubernetes so I’m going to jump into just building the Deployments, Services and Ingresses that I need to make mailtrain available. A successful Mailtrain installation exposes 3 endpoints (port 3000 for trusted access, 3003 for sandbox, 3004 for public), so I’ll probably need to have an Ingress listening on 3004 pointing to a Service that exposes an Endpoint pointing to the Deployment of Mailtrain. Of course, Mailtrain itself will need to be connected to the relevant backing services (mysql, redis, etc).

While it’s not strictly necessary I will be making separate files for mailtrain itself and the related services. Being able to configure/modify the dependencies separately from mailtrain itself is more work, but much cleaner and worth the effort up front in my mind (and slight loss in performance from DNS etc).

Before we start we’ll need a namespace to kick everything off so of course make sure you have the namespace you’re going to use created:


kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
  name: mailtrain


We’ll start with the easiest to deploy service – a redis instance for mailtrain to use. First we’ll need to give it a place to store data, a PersistentVolumeClaim. My PVCs are powered by OpenEBS (I’ve written about my setup before) so that’s what’s powering the PersistentVolumeClaim below:


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
    tier: data
  name: mailtrain-redis-data
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi
  storageClassName: openebs-jiva-non-ha

And now for the Deployment that will use the PersistentVolumeClaim mentioned above:


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-redis
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  replicas: 1
      app: vadosware-mailtrain
      component: redis
        app: vadosware-mailtrain
        component: redis
      - image: redis:5.0.7-alpine
        name: redis
        - containerPort: 6379
          name: redis
          protocol: TCP
            cpu: 1
        - mountPath: /var/lib/redis
          name: data
      - name: data
          claimName: mailtrain-redis-data

And here’s the Service to expose it that deployment to other local Pods:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-redis
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - name: redis
    port: 6379
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 6379
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
    component: redis


Now on to some slightly more complicated software, we’ll add MongoDB. First we need a PVC to work with:


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mongodb
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi
  storageClassName: openebs-jiva-non-ha

Then a Deployment for mongo:


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mongodb
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  replicas: 1
      app: vadosware-mailtrain
      tier: mongodb
        app: vadosware-mailtrain
        tier: mongodb
      - image: mongo:4.2.3-bionic
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: mongo
        - containerPort: 27017
          protocol: TCP
        - mountPath: /data/db
          name: data
      - name: data
          claimName: mailtrain-mongodb

And here’s the Service to expose it to other pods in the namespace:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mongodb
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - name: mongodb
    port: 27017
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 27017
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
    tier: mongodb

MariaDB (/MySQL)

Moving on to even more complicated software, let’s add the MariaDB instance. We’ll start with a PVC:


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mariadb
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi
  storageClassName: openebs-jiva-non-ha


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mariadb
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  replicas: 1
      app: vadosware-mailtrain
        app: vadosware-mailtrain
        tier: mariadb
      - args:
        - --character-set-server=utf8mb4
        - --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
        - name: MYSQL_DATABASE
          value: mailtrain
        - name: MYSQL_USER
              key: mariadb.MYSQL_USER.secret
              name: mailtrain-mariadb-secrets-<kustomize-generated randomized id>
        - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD
              key: mariadb.MYSQL_PASSWORD.secret
              name: mailtrain-mariadb-secrets-<kustomize-generated randomized id>
        - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
              key: mariadb.MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.secret
              name: mailtrain-mariadb-secrets-<kustomize-generated randomized id>
        image: mariadb:10.4.12-bionic
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: mariadb
        - containerPort: 3306
        - mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
          name: data
      - name: data
          claimName: mailtrain-mariadb

And here’s the Service to expose it to other pods in the namespace:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mariadb
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - name: mariadb
    port: 3306
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 3306
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
    tier: mariadb

One thing that’s different about mariadb in comparison to the other infra pieces is that we do need to do some configuration. The Secrets that we’ll need have been generated by kustomize so we just need to pretend they exist (kustomize will modify the names as necessary deep in the Deployment). Here’s what the generated secrets file looks like:

generated/~g_v1_secret_mailtrain-mariadb-<kustomize-generated randomized id>.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
  mariadb.MYSQL_PASSWORD.secret: <base 64 encoded secret>
  mariadb.MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.secret: <base 64 encoded secret>
  mariadb.MYSQL_USER.secret: <base 64 encoded secret>
kind: Secret
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mariadb-secrets-<kustomize-generated randomized id>
  namespace: vadosware-blog
type: Opaque

Note that I’ve used basically one-line files to encode the secrets, since we only get to inject the key. Also, you’re definitely going to want to encrypt your secrets if you’re going to store them in source control, so check out git-crypt which is what I use.


Now it’s time to put mailtrain itself into service! First we’ll need a PersistentVolumeClaim on which to store the data we’ll be using:


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mailtrain
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi
  storageClassName: openebs-jiva-non-ha

And we’ll need an actual Deployment which uses that ConfigMap and starts mailtrain itself:


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mailtrain
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  replicas: 1
      app: vadosware-mailtrain
      tier: mailtrain
        app: vadosware-mailtrain
        tier: mailtrain
      - env:
        - name: URL_BASE_PUBLIC
        - name: WWW_PROXY
          value: "true"
        - name: WWW_SECRET
              key: mailtrain.WWW_SECRET.secret
              name: mailtrain-mailtrain-secrets-<kustomize-generated randomized id>
        - name: MONGO_HOST
          value: mailtrain-mongodb
        - name: REDIS_HOST
          value: mailtrain-redis
        - name: MYSQL_HOST
          value: mailtrain-mariadb
        - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD
              key: mariadb.MYSQL_PASSWORD.secret
              name: mailtrain-mariadb-secrets-<kustomize-generated randomized id>
        # this image is latest mailtrain v2 beta as of 02/09/2020
        image: mailtrain/mailtrain@sha256:77abbb4a5c94423283d989d1a906a38aef335a9ad2f02da81ba2f52fc677cfee
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            path: /
            port: 3000
          initialDelaySeconds: 15
          periodSeconds: 300
        name: mailtrain
        - containerPort: 3000
          protocol: TCP
        - containerPort: 3003
          protocol: TCP
        - containerPort: 3004
          protocol: TCP
            path: /
            port: 3000
          initialDelaySeconds: 5
          periodSeconds: 10
        - mountPath: /data/db
          name: data
      - name: data
          claimName: mailtrain-mailtrain

And here’s the Service to expose mailtrain to other pods in the namespace:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mailtrain
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - name: mailtrain
    port: 3004
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 3004
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
    tier: mailtrain

Much like MariaDB we’ll also need a Secret so that we can set the WWW_SECRET that is used. While not strictly necesary I like setting this so that in the case that I completely blew away the instance logins would still work (they’d be encrypted with the same key, so the server wouldn’t notice). Here’s what the generated secret looks like:


apiVersion: v1
  mailtrain.WWW_SECRET.secret: <base64 encoded secret>
kind: Secret
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mailtrain-secrets-<kustomize-generated randomized id>
  namespace: vadosware-blog
type: Opaque

DEBUG: Certificate expiration wasn’t fixed for my OpenEBS

SKIP TO THE NEXT SECTION if you don’t care about me debugging my broken OpenEBS cluster

A little while back I let my certs expired and had a bad time trying to get everything back up. One of the holdovers from that was that OpenEBS has actually not been provisioning new volumes properly this entire time (oh no). While there haven’t been any new volumes to provision, the Pods had just been erroring (and restarting etc) due to their bad service accounts.

The fix is relatively easy – deleting the old ServiceAccounts and recreating the DaemonSets and Deployments but that lead me into…

DEBUG: I/O timeouts with OpenEBS when trying to create too many PVCs at the same time

SKIP TO THE NEXT SECTION if you don’t care about me debugging my broken OpenEBS cluster

Once the old ServiceAccounts were deleted and the relevant DaemonSets and Deployments were restarted, i found another issue – my PersistentVolumeClaims were stuck in the Pending state:

$ k get pvc -n vadosware-blog
mailtrain-mailtrain    Pending                                      openebs-jiva-non-ha   2m1s
mailtrain-mariadb      Pending                                      openebs-jiva-non-ha   2m21s
mailtrain-mongodb      Pending                                      openebs-jiva-non-ha   2m14s
mailtrain-redis-data   Pending                                      openebs-jiva-non-ha   2m8s

Seeing this the first instinct is to check k describe pvc <some-pvc> -n vadosware-blog, and here’s what I saw:

$ k describe pvc mailtrain-redis-data -n vadosware-blog
Name:          mailtrain-redis-data
Namespace:     vadosware-blog
StorageClass:  openebs-jiva-non-ha
Status:        Pending
Labels:        app=vadosware-mailtrain
Finalizers:    []
Access Modes:
VolumeMode:    Filesystem
Mounted By:    <none>
  Type     Reason                Age                       From                                                                                                    Message
  ----     ------                ----                      ----                                                                                                    -------
  Normal   Provisioning          <invalid> (x4 over 75s)  External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "vadosware-blog/mailtrain-redis-data"
  Warning  ProvisioningFailed    <invalid> (x4 over 45s)  failed to provision volume with StorageClass "openebs-jiva-non-ha": Get dial tcp i/o timeout
  Normal   ExternalProvisioning  <invalid> (x19 over 75s)  persistentvolume-controller                                                                             waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "" or manually created by system administrator

Well that’s a problem, we’re having some sort of “I/O timeout”… Is this trying to create too many PVCs at the same time? Looking at the logs for the provisioner I saw:

I0209 00:40:26.847873       1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"PersistentVolumeClaim", Namespace:"vadosware-blog", Name:"mailtrain-redis-data", UID:"5c9dbcc6-89f9-47ac-afcc-fcb1b5d7f80b", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"97175284", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'ProvisioningFailed' failed to provision volume with StorageClass "openebs-jiva-non-ha": Get dial tcp i/o timeout

If you note the port that it’s trying to get to is 5656, so that is the OpenEBS API server that it can’t reach. Some more digging:

$ k get svc -n openebs -o wide
NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE     SELECTOR
maya-apiserver-service   ClusterIP   <none>        5656/TCP   7m21s   name=maya-apiserver
$ k get pods -n openebs -o wide
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP             NODE                            NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
maya-apiserver-687bb87957-gqm4w             1/1     Running   0          7m37s   ubuntu-1810-cosmic-64-minimal   <none>           <none>
openebs-ndm-r9r7t                           1/1     Running   0          6m53s   ubuntu-1810-cosmic-64-minimal   <none>           <none>
openebs-provisioner-769d9998b6-jzbl6        1/1     Running   0          11m   ubuntu-1810-cosmic-64-minimal   <none>           <none>
openebs-snapshot-operator-b5f848d64-px7bf   2/2     Running   0          6m55s   ubuntu-1810-cosmic-64-minimal   <none>           <none>

So based on this, we’d expect maya-apiserver-service to have an Endpoint that points to, so let’s confirm that:

$ k describe svc maya-apiserver-service -n openebs
Name:              maya-apiserver-service
Namespace:         openebs
Labels:            <none>
Selector:          name=maya-apiserver
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              api  5656/TCP
TargetPort:        5656/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

So far so good, but for some reason the error we’re seeing in the provisioner’s logs indicates the provisioner is trying to connect to! Somehow the provisioner has the completely wrong idea of where the API server is located, so let’s just kill it… Now we’ve got a different issue:

And if we look in the logs again

^PI0209 00:50:07.729373       1 controller.go:991] provision "vadosware-blog/mailtrain-redis-data" class "openebs-jiva-non-ha": started
I0209 00:50:07.731675       1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"PersistentVolumeClaim", Namespace:"vadosware-blog", Name:"mailtrain-redis-data", UID:"64b5db54-e012-4d49-b80d-57d529921731", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"97177067", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'Provisioning' External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "vadosware-blog/mailtrain-redis-data"
E0209 00:50:07.792981       1 volume.go:170] HTTP Status error from maya-apiserver: Not Found
I0209 00:50:07.793147       1 volume.go:105] CAS Volume Spec Created:
<removed for space>
E0209 00:50:07.980885       1 volume.go:128] Internal Server Error: failed to create volume 'pvc-64b5db54-e012-4d49-b80d-57d529921731': response: the server could not find the requested resource
E0209 00:50:07.980911       1 cas_provision.go:118] Failed to create volume:  <removed for space>
W0209 00:50:07.981073       1 controller.go:750] Retrying syncing claim "vadosware-blog/mailtrain-redis-data" because failures 2 < threshold 15
E0209 00:50:07.981112       1 controller.go:765] error syncing claim "vadosware-blog/mailtrain-redis-data": failed to provision volume with StorageClass "openebs-jiva-non-ha": Internal Server Error: failed to create volume 'pvc-64b5db54-e012-4d49-b80d-57d529921731': response: the server could not find the requested resource
I0209 00:50:07.981156       1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"PersistentVolumeClaim", Namespace:"vadosware-blog", Name:"mailtrain-redis-data", UID:"64b5db54-e012-4d49-b80d-57d529921731", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"97177067", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'ProvisioningFailed' failed to provision volume with StorageClass "openebs-jiva-non-ha": Internal Server Error: failed to create volume 'pvc-64b5db54-e012-4d49-b80d-57d529921731': response: the server could not find the requested resource

OK, so the first line that look simportant is HTTP Status error from maya-apiserver: Not Found – while I’m not sure what was not found, maybe the provisioner itself can’t find the API server? Services are exposed by name and I know that the openebs (“maya”) API server’s service name is (maya-apiserver-service)…. Lo and behold, taking a look back at the provisioner’s resource config, there’s a comment:

        - name: OPENEBS_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        # OPENEBS_MAYA_SERVICE_NAME provides the maya-apiserver K8s service name,
        # that provisioner should forward the volume create/delete requests.
        # If not present, "maya-apiserver-service" will be used for lookup.
        # This is supported for openebs provisioner version 0.5.3-RC1 onwards
        #  value: "maya-apiserver-apiservice"

So everything looks to be in order here, why is it expecting the API server to be at such a weird IP address? Another issue is I don’t know which resource is missing! Let’s do some more digging – looking at the OpenEBS API server’s logs there’s a lot of output but here are some error lines:

$ k logs -f maya-apiserver-7fbdc84ddd-l52vc -n openebs | egrep ^E
E0209 01:40:10.652226       6 runner.go:213] failed to execute runtask: name 'jiva-volume-read-listtargetservice-default-0.8.0': meta yaml 'id: readlistsvc
E0209 01:40:10.652277       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:175] failed to read cas template based volume: error 'controller service not found'
E0209 01:40:10.834507       6 runner.go:213] failed to execute runtask: name 'jiva-volume-create-putreplicadeployment-default-0.8.0': meta yaml 'id: createputrep
E0209 01:40:10.834657       6 meta.go:495] failed to build rollback instance for task 'createputrep': object name is missing: meta task '{MetaTaskIdentity:{Identity:createputrep Kind:Deployment APIVersion:extensions/v1beta1} MetaTaskProps:{RunNamespace:vadosware-blog Owner: ObjectName: Options: Retry: Disable:false} Action:put RepeatWith:{Resources:[] Metas:[]}}'
E0209 01:40:10.834666       6 runner.go:219] failed to plan for rollback: 'failed to build rollback instance for task 'createputrep': object name is missing'
E0209 01:40:10.864731       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:128] failed to create cas template based volume: error 'the server could not find the requested resource'
E0209 01:40:25.986237       6 runner.go:213] failed to execute runtask: name 'jiva-volume-read-listtargetservice-default-0.8.0': meta yaml 'id: readlistsvc
E0209 01:40:25.986306       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:175] failed to read cas template based volume: error 'controller service not found'
E0209 01:40:26.118368       6 runner.go:213] failed to execute runtask: name 'jiva-volume-create-putreplicadeployment-default-0.8.0': meta yaml 'id: createputrep
E0209 01:40:26.118535       6 meta.go:495] failed to build rollback instance for task 'createputrep': object name is missing: meta task '{MetaTaskIdentity:{Identity:createputrep Kind:Deployment APIVersion:extensions/v1beta1} MetaTaskProps:{RunNamespace:vadosware-blog Owner: ObjectName: Options: Retry: Disable:false} Action:put RepeatWith:{Resources:[] Metas:[]}}'
E0209 01:40:26.118547       6 runner.go:219] failed to plan for rollback: 'failed to build rollback instance for task 'createputrep': object name is missing'
E0209 01:40:26.164701       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:128] failed to create cas template based volume: error 'the server could not find the requested resource'
E0209 01:43:58.342318       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:219] failed to delete cas template based volume: error ' "openebs-jiva-1r" not found'
E0209 01:43:58.342323       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:219] failed to delete cas template based volume: error ' "openebs-jiva-1r" not found'
E0209 01:43:58.468997       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:219] failed to delete cas template based volume: error ' "openebs-jiva-1r" not found'

If we restart the Node Disk Manager, the missing storage class errors go away (it’s my fault for deleting them in the first place, I wanted to reduce the noise since the non-HA one is the only one I use):

E0209 01:51:36.096494       6 runner.go:213] failed to execute runtask: name 'jiva-volume-read-listtargetservice-default-0.8.0': meta yaml 'id: readlistsvc
E0209 01:51:36.096565       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:175] failed to read cas template based volume: error 'controller service not found'
E0209 01:51:36.212545       6 runner.go:213] failed to execute runtask: name 'jiva-volume-create-putreplicadeployment-default-0.8.0': meta yaml 'id: createputrep
E0209 01:51:36.212706       6 meta.go:495] failed to build rollback instance for task 'createputrep': object name is missing: meta task '{MetaTaskIdentity:{Identity:createputrep Kind:Deployment APIVersion:extensions/v1beta1} MetaTaskProps:{RunNamespace:vadosware-blog Owner: ObjectName: Options: Retry: Disable:false} Action:put RepeatWith:{Resources:[] Metas:[]}}'
E0209 01:51:36.212717       6 runner.go:219] failed to plan for rollback: 'failed to build rollback instance for task 'createputrep': object name is missing'
E0209 01:51:36.258837       6 volume_endpoint_v1alpha1.go:128] failed to create cas template based volume: error 'the server could not find the requested resource'

Since I don’t know exactly what’s wrong looks like I’ll need to consider all of these. It looks like a bunch of stuff I deleted (storageclasses I didn’t use, etc) are missing, so what I’ll do is re-create the DS since that is what makes them. This did cut down on the errors, but I think I’ve found the issue – this is something that actually has bitten me locally a BUNCH, here’s the important line:

E0209 01:51:36.212706       6 meta.go:495] failed to build rollback instance for task 'createputrep': object name is missing: meta task '{MetaTaskIdentity:{Identity:createputrep Kind:Deployment APIVersion:extensions/v1beta1} MetaTaskProps:{RunNamespace:vadosware-blog Owner: ObjectName: Options: Retry: Disable:false} Action:put RepeatWith:{Resources:[] Metas:[]}}'

So there are a few issues here:

  • It’s trying to create a Deployment and the apiVersion is extensions/v1beta1 – this was removed in Kubernetes 1.16!
  • ObjectName is obviously empty – it may actually be required in newer versions of kubernetes

I’m thinking that I’ll have to upgrade OpenEBS now, clearly the version I’m using is far too old (I’ve upgraded the cluster recently and didn’t upgrade OpenEBS to match). While there is documentation for upgrading, I’m on such an old version 0.8.0 (which was supposedly not released based on the logs of the API server) that it would be insane to try going from 0.8.0 to 1.6.0 (the current version) all in one jump. Instead I looked into the Kubernetes changelog for 1.16 to see if there was a way to allow the use of extensions/v1beta1, and there is!

Serving these resources can be temporarily re-enabled using the –runtime-config apiserver flag.

apps/v1beta1=true apps/v1beta2=true extensions/v1beta1/daemonsets=true,extensions/v1beta1/deployments=true,extensions/v1beta1/replicasets=true,extensions/v1beta1/networkpolicies=true,extensions/v1beta1/podsecuritypolicies=true

Since I’m on 1.16 it looks like this is going to be the least risky path – Since I only need it for Deployments it looks like extensions/v1beta1/deployments=true is the value I need to pass in. To change this I needed to get to the manifest for the API server (/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml) and edit it manually:

# ... other yaml ... #
    - --tls-private-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.key
    - --runtime-config='extensions/v1beta1/deployments=true'
# ... other yaml ... #

Then I restarted the API service… Only to have it crash immediately, since I didn’t need the single quotes. Once I found an example of what this value should be set to I fixed it (removing the quotes) and eventually I could see kube-apiserver pod running with crictl (I use and am very happy with containerd):

root@ubuntu-1810-cosmic-64-minimal ~ # crictl --config=/root/.crictl.yaml ps | grep kube-api
128d874d00184       3722a80984a04       23 seconds ago      Running             kube-apiserver                                      0                   c491f65d2f5a8

AND IT WORKED, PVCs all got bound properly:

$ k get pvc -n vadosware-blog
NAME                   STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS          AGE
mailtrain-mailtrain    Bound    pvc-a28ec786-0d8a-41cc-a662-0bdb4f5194ea   8Gi        RWO            openebs-jiva-non-ha   4m47s
mailtrain-mariadb      Bound    pvc-7bf719a8-8a82-471f-a9c9-429c0aae5d3e   8Gi        RWO            openebs-jiva-non-ha   5m7s
mailtrain-mongodb      Bound    pvc-33c5baee-aefd-40b9-bf6a-c165c222ab88   8Gi        RWO            openebs-jiva-non-ha   4m59s
mailtrain-redis-data   Bound    pvc-581856fd-b137-4139-a753-6b6c1cfa1f7c   1Gi        RWO            openebs-jiva-non-ha   7m37s

Now we can get back to our regularly scheduled programming – installing mailtrain!

Testing it out

Let’s test mailtrain out locally with kubectl port-forward before we deploy it to the internet:

$ k port-forward mailtrain-mailtrain-6dcb65c554-vqrhb 3000 -n vadosware-blog
Forwarding from -> 3000
Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 3000

And through the magic of going back and editing this post until everything was right, it worked the first time!

After logging in with username “admin” and password “test” (this is what’s configured for the docker container) and updating the credentials, I was good to go.

TIP: You might need more port-forwarding

Some bits of the mailtrain site (like the content editing page of a campaign) actually use subdocuments (frames) so you’ll need to do more port forwarding so that it doesn’t break!

$ k port-forward mailtrain-mailtrain-6dcb65c554-vqrhb 3003 -n vadosware-blog
Forwarding from -> 3003
Forwarding from [::1]:3003 -> 3003

Adding the public Ingress

Now that everything seems to be working, let’s add the Ingress that will allow traffic into our mailtrain instance. I’m using cert-manager, one of the most useful operators that’s ever been created, so all I have to do is make an ingress and a HTTPS cert will be made for me. As discussed earlier we’ll only be exposing the public endpoint:


kind: Ingress
  annotations: "20" 25m "true" traefik "true"
    app: vadosware-mailtrain
  name: mailtrain-mailtrain
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  - host:
      - backend:
          serviceName: mailtrain-mailtrain
          servicePort: 3004
  - hosts:
    secretName: vadosware-mailtrain-tls

Awesome, now we have the part of mailtrain that should be accessible to the outside world… We actually won’t even have to provide this Ingress, as a result of the following bonus section…

BONUS: Making it easier to use POST subscription forms with mailtrain

One of the things that anyone who runs a mailing list is going to want to do is be able to drop a small call-to-action on their page letting people sign up for the mailing list. Though mailtrain does have a “subscription form” that’s generated and available at <mailtrain public address>/subscription/<mailing list id>?locale=en-US which you could put in an appropriately sized <iframe> and call it a day, usually you want to make your own form close to the content.

Since right now mailtrain doesn’t actually support exposing a /subscribe endpoint that you can POST to with an HTTP form. To get this functionality we could write a small service that does the following:

  • Takes an key for mailtrain (via ENV)
  • Takes a default mailing list (or maybe uses the POST url in the generated subscription page?)
  • Exposes an HTML <form> POST-able /subscribe endpoint

Pretty much every time I start a small project these days I consider whether to use Rust or Haskell. While the functionality I want to add is easily a <100 line script, I’m going to use Rust because Rust is amazing (and Haskell feels too heavy-weight). I’m going to go with Rust for this project, since it’s been a while since I wrote some Rust and rust is awesome.

In mailtrain v2 beta there’s actually a page describing how to use the API and giving you a way to generate an access token:

POST /api/subscribe/:listId – Add subscription

This API call either inserts a new subscription or updates existing. Fields not included are left as is, so if you update only LAST_NAME value, then FIRST_NAME is kept untouched for an existing subscription.

Query params

access_token – your personal access token

POST arguments

EMAIL – subscriber's email address (required)
FIRST_NAME – subscriber's first name
LAST_NAME – subscriber's last name
TIMEZONE – subscriber's timezone (eg. "Europe/Tallinn", "PST" or "UTC"). If not set defaults to "UTC"
MERGE_TAG_VALUE – custom field value. Use yes/no for option group values (checkboxes, radios, drop downs)

Additional POST arguments:

FORCE_SUBSCRIBE – set to "yes" if you want to make sure the email is marked as subscribed even if it was previously marked as unsubscribed. If the email was already unsubscribed/blocked then subscription status is not changedby default.
REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION – set to "yes" if you want to send confirmation email to the subscriber before actually marking as subscribed


curl -XPOST ‘http://localhost:3000/api/subscribe/B16uVTdW?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN’
–data ‘’

So it’s relatively simple, all we need is a small utility that adds on the acess token (and use sthe right subscription ID). Here’s a chunk of the main code:

impl_web! {
    impl MailtrainFormPost {
        /// Subscription endpoint
        fn subscribe(&self, mut body: SubscribeForm) -> Result<String, ()> {
            // Override the settings for forcing subscription/requiring confirmation
            // in the future maybe we'll allow this to come directly from the POST request
            body.force_subscribe = Some(String::from(if self.mailtrain_force_subscribe { "yes" } else { "" }));
            body.require_confirmation = Some(String::from(if self.mailtrain_require_confirmation { "yes" } else { "" }));

            // Pull the sub information
            let email =;
            let maybe_sub_info = serde_json::to_value(body);
            if let Err(_err) = maybe_sub_info {
                return Ok(String::from("Bad request, invalid JSON"));
            let sub_info = maybe_sub_info.unwrap();

            // Build full URL for subscribe POSt
            let url = format!(

            // Perform the request
            debug!("Sending sub -> {}", &sub_info);
            let resp = ureq::post(url.as_str()).send_json(sub_info);

            // If an error happened then return a generic error
            if !resp.ok() {
                match resp.into_string() {
                    Ok(body_str) => {
                        warn!("Mailtrain request failed -> {}", body_str);
                        warn!("Hint: are the incoming email address properly url encoded?");
                    Err(err) => warn!("Failed to convert response body for printing...: {}", err),

                return get_asset_contents("subscription-failed.html");
            debug!("Successfully subscribed email [{}]", email);

            // Retrieve the compiled-in asset
            return get_asset_contents("subscription-successful.html");

This code is using a rust web framework called tower-web. You can read (all) of the code at mailtrain-subscribe-form-post-sidecar.

With this “sidecar” container in place, I can dramatically reduce mailtrain’s exposure to the internet (bye bye Ingress), but I can still enable people to subscribe to the mailing list.

I happen to use Traefik as my ingress controller (Traefik Kubernetes Ingress Controller), so I had to work with the Ingress annotations to get what I wanted:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: blog
  namespace: vadosware-blog
  annotations: "true" "20" "10m" "true" "traefik"
    # The line below is *IMPORTANT*, we want '/mailing-list' to get stripped
    # (and of course, it doesn't matter if '/' gets stripped since it must be re-added)
    traefik.frontend.rule.type: PathPrefixStrip
  - hosts:
    - ""
    - ""
    secretName: vadosware-blog-blog-tls
  - host: ""
      - path: "/"
          serviceName: blog
          servicePort: 80
  - host: ""
      - path: "/"
          serviceName: blog
          servicePort: 80
  - host: ""
      - path: "/mailing-list"
          serviceName: blog
          servicePort: 5000

SIDETRACK: Rust cannot build static binaries if any of your libraries use macros

Welp, this is probably one of the first major pain points in Rust I’ve come across. To be fair it is a pain point for many languages and linux in general, but I was really hoping that Rust might have a better answer than other languages I’ve come across. Another point is that I’ve done nothing to make it better so I’m just as much to blame as anyone else.

What’s frustrating is, Rust actually does have good support for building locally via --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl (you don’t even have to build an alpine container and compile everything in there), but the big problem is that the x86_64-unknown-linux-musl target does not support macros. I’ve been wary of macros in the past (in lisp at the time) and now they’ve come to bite me (though of course they’re somewhat different and this isn’t purely the fault of macros) – macros in rust currently force a dynamic link to be done at runtime. Here’s what I did, ultimately failing, to try and build this program statically so it was simple enough to deploy from a docker scratch image:

  • Tried to build the project with --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl, run into the macro issue
  • Remove the macro use from my own code, starting with serde – I ended up going down the rabbithole of writing my own Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations
  • Remove the macro use from the libraries I was using (tower-web and others like rust-embed), leading to trying to patch features out of cargo files using replace in Cargo.toml (which didn’t work)
  • cargo vendor everything into my source code and make modifications to features sections and packages manually
  • Scrap everything and consider starting over with hyper directly (then quickly realizing that hyper relies on pin-project)
  • Give up on a static builds, since I hadn’t even solved the libnss/nss problem yet (I was eyeing nsss as a solution)

Another language I happen to use a lot, Haskell, doesn’t have this problem because they have a somewhat different way of generating things like JSON – Generic programming. While we can’t expect every system to be Haskell’s, I was able to build static binaries in haskell (with great effort there too) in the past, and this is likely one of the reasons for me being able to do so relatively easily. Haskell did suffer from the libnss/nss problem, but I never got a chance to try to fix it with nsss since I ended up just switching to Fedora (and giving up on static builds there too).

Anyway, things weren’t too hard once I just gave up on static compilation of the rust binary – the container is plenty small anyway and I wanted to eventually actually ship (which meant producing this blog post and of course deploying the actual functionality).

BONUS: Adding a mailing list subscription CTA to maille

A noted in the TL;DR, this blog is using the mailtrain instance! I needed to update the blog with a call to action so I’ve actually added a “molecule” to maille (a Mithril component library I wrote) for email call-to-actions for use at the bottom of this page.

I did a bad thing and added the entire component to a patch version of maille (so I could rush it out for this post), so feel free to check out the documentation section MailingListCTA component. I figure most might be more interested in what the usage looks like so here it is:

<!-- ... some other html -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendor/maille/maille.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendor/maille/mailing-list-cta.shared.min.css">
     section#mailing-list-cta-container .maille.component.mailing-list-cta {
       margin-top: 2em;
       box-shadow: 1px 10px 10px #CCC;
       padding: 1em;
       width: 100%;
<!-- ... some other html -->

<!-- ... some other html -->

<section id="mailing-list-cta-container">
  <div id="mailing-list-cta"></div>
  <script src="/vendor/mithril/2.0.4/mithril.min.js"></script>
  <script src="/vendor/maille/mailing-list-cta.shared.min.js"></script>
   var MailingListCTA = MAILLE_MAILING_LIST_CTA.default;

   // Render the component
   document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
           brief: "Want to get an email whenever I add more posts like this one?",
           subscribeForm: {action: "/mailing-list/subscribe"}

<!-- ... some other html -->

This CTA is now at the bottom of every post (this blog is powered by Hugo, using a theme I modified somewhat heavily – I should open source it one day…).

Wrap up

It was a blast to set up mailtrain and write the associated code, hopefully you’ve had some fun and learned something along with me – if you have, sign up to the mailing list below!

I mention it all the time, but one of the greatest things about running a kubernetes cluster is that although the initial complexity is intense, once you’re past it and at a relative steady state, deploying new complicated software to your cluster in a repeatable, safe manner is really easy!