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Bare metal k8s storage: OpenEBS ZFS LocalPV + Rancher Longhorn

kubernetes logo + OpenEBS Logo + Longhorn Logo

UPDATE (10/28/2021)

I've gotten some great feedback from a post in r/kubernetes and another post in r/zfs. I've added a section with some thoughts

tl;dr - I recently switched my baremetal cluster storage setup to OpenEBS ZFS LocalPV + Longhorn. Some issues with Longhorn not running on PVCs aside, the setup is flexible perf wise (ZFS LocalPV) and I at least have a low-complexity option for distributed/HA storage (Longhorn).

I recently spent some time working my way to my most flexible storage setup yet, and along the way I spent some time exploring whether Longhorn – a simple and easy to use storage provider for Kubernetes – could be run on PVCs rather than hostPath/local disk. I ran into a few issues with Longhorn (it doesn’t really work on PVCs right now) but a little pre-provisioned storage isn’t the end of the world. The rest of the setup is pretty nice so I thought I’d share a bit about it.


Up until now I’ve happily run and lightly managed Rook (in-cluster managed Ceph) on all my nodes. This worked great except for the fact that performance just didn’t scale. It’s to be expected of networked synchronous writes (the best writeup I’ve seen of the perf tradeoff is here), but I was happy with the tradeoff until I wasn’t. I started also having problems with Rook not making the amount of OSDs (attempting to boost the throughput on NVMes led me to try that) so I started looking elsewhere.

If we zoom out a bit I’ve tried a quite a few k8s storage options over the years (I’ve done some benchmarking):

  • hostPath (old reliable)
  • local volumes
  • Rook/Ceph
  • OpenEBS MayaStor
  • OpenEBS Jiva
  • OpenEBS cStor
  • OpenEBS dynamic LocalPV (~= dynamic hostPath)
  • OpenEBS ZFS LocalPV

I’ve used OpenEBS in the past and am very happy with their offerings. OpenEBS Jiva was one the first storage providers I used and I was really happy with how simple it was to set up (in comparison to Rook/Ceph).

Since what I wanted here was performance, I gave them another look since they’ve got some better-than-local options in the local disk space. OpenEBS has a lot of offerings so let’s break it apart a bit.

On the networked drive side (likely highly available, low perf):

  • OpenEBS MayaStor
  • OpenEBS Jiva (Longhorn based)
    • Very easy to set up, performance is not so great but it’s very available
  • OpenEBS cStor (uzfs based)
    • Performance has never been as good as Jiva (which compared to local disk is a low bar), I love ZFS but they’ve been working on this engine a while

On the local drive (high perf, not highly available)

  • OpenEBS Dynamic LocalPV
    • I couldn’t go with this because it doesn’t support limitations properly (there’s some new code that suggests XFS might be able to do it, but it didn’t work for me)
  • OpenEBS Rawfile LocalPV
    • An improvement over Dynamic LocalPV, it creates loopback virtual disks on your actual disk and mounts them
    • Good support for ZFS on the drives below for availability
    • I didn’t go with this in the end because mdadm RAID that Hetzner mahcines come with doesn’t offer checksumming (that Ceph and some other tech would give me)
  • OpenEBS ZFS LocalPV
    • Benefits similar to Rawfile LocalPV (proper capacity restriction, etc)
    • Benefits of the zfs checksumming, tooling, etc
    • Ability to layer other solutions on top

So lots of options, it’s a veritable SmörgĂ„sbord! Let’s take some time to think through it.

Evaluating the (storage) space

What do I actually want out of my storage setup?

Of course before I can figure out the best solution, I need to figure out what I actually need/want. Of course as a world class yak-shaver not all of these things are strict requirements, but no one writes home about storage setups that are not resilient right? Anyway here’s a Maslow-esque hierarchy of needs (most important first):

Storage hierarchy of needs

In textual form:

  • Advanced Functionality (being able to spin up S3 gateways, provision NFS, use a Block or a FileSystem)
  • Close to disk performance when I need it (replication @ the application level if necessary)
  • Node-level resilience (survive node failures)
  • Drive-level resilience (survive disk failures)
  • Byte-level resilience (survive bitrot/partial disk failures)

The previous setup?

Up until I was happy with my setup, in particular the following:

  • Disks: NVMe 512GB x 2 (Hetzner AX41-NVMe if you were wondering)
  • Root disk w/ 64GB space for the OS, Some swap space (even though it’s a no-no with k8s)
  • Rest of the space provisioned as a partition and fed to Ceph (orchestrated by Rook)
  • Non-root disk fed whole to Ceph (orchestrated by Rook)

I loved the following about this setup:

  • Rook is fantastic when it’s purring along, Ceph is obviously a great piece of F/OSS
  • ~700Gi of storage from every node isn’t bad.
  • Redundancy, high availability is a breeze
  • I get all the Ceph functionality goodies (S3, etc)
  • per-device QoS management is actually supported at the Ceph level (Rook doesn’t support it just yet)

All-in-all the setup works pretty well, but the whole reason this post is here is that there are some issues:

  • Root disk with no replication is a big yikes (especially on Hetzner where drives are rarely brand new)
  • Ceph & Rook are a pretty complicated to set up, upgrades are a bit involved, etc.
  • Ceph doesn’t really want replica-less rbd pools, which is what you’d want for high perf (this is understandable, Ceph isn’t really built for that)
  • Performance for write heavy workloads was pretty bad, despite running on NVMe

I realized that running everything I want to run on Ceph (particularly databases or other high write workloads) was simply a non-starter with the hardware I have/am willing to purchase and setup. If I had access to a some crazy SAN or even just wanted to buy 10 drives and do lots of striping to try and boost the IOPS an dbandwidth sure, but I’m not willing to do that. Up until now I hadn’t really given performance enough thought – I run a ~5 databases and a bunch of other storage-enabled workloads and they’re doing just fine but I figure if I’m going to solve this earlier rather than later is better.

Stumbling onto the perfect setup

While thinking about my options in this space I started coming back to an interesting combination – OpenEBS ZFS LocalPV + Longhorn/Ceph. Let’s break down the choices individually:

Why OpenEBS ZFS LocalPV?

A few reasons why ZFS LocalPV is a good fit:

  • “If you’re not using ZFS you’re probably losing data(tm)” as they say – ZFS’s checksumming prevents bitrot
    • All the usual CoW filesystem benefits apply
    • zfs recv and zfs send are also awesome – extremely efficient snapshots
  • Quota is respected (most hostPath solutions can’t give you that, though rawfile-localpv is nice)
  • OpenEBS is awesome (cStor is actually built on uZFS), good ergonomics and reasonable choices
  • ZFS tunables are really easy to tune with ZFS LocalPV (just options in the StorageClass), so experimentation is easy

Why Longhorn?

A few reasons on why Longhorn is a good choice for me, generally in comparison to Rook/Ceph:

  • Ease of setup, simplicity
  • Decent performance, markedly worse but within shooting distance of Ceph in various benchmarks (including my own)

Overally this choice is a bit sketchy but I’m pretty happy with the tradeoff because of how much more complicated Ceph is. If I ever get really annoyed with Longhorn I can always switch it out with Rook/Ceph or even LINSTOR down the road and feed ZVOLs or Block volumes, so for now I’m going with simplicity till I need something more.

What boxes does this “perfect setup” actually tick?

OK, let’s get back to that hierarchy, what makes this setup actually good?

  • Byte-level resilience (survive bitrot/partial disk failures)
    • ZFS does checkums, and actually builds basically a structure similar to merkle tree (LINK to paper)
  • Drive-level resilience (survive disk failures)
    • zpool with a mirror configuration is good enough to give me
  • Node-level resilience (survive node failures)
    • It doesn’t tick this box! BUT I can provision some ZVOL backed volumes and run a storage system with the features on top (Mayastor, Longhorn, Ceph even)
  • Close to disk performance when I need it (replication @ the application level if necessary)
    • This is as close as I can get to native performance without losing security!
  • Advanced Functionality (being able to spin up S3 gateways, provision NFS, use a Block or a FileSystem
    • It doesn’t tick this box! BUT OpenEBS has an NFS provisioner
    • zfs send/zfs recv, I can efficiently take backups of any data set at any time, or even the whole machine if I want

What are the pros actually doing?

Proper cloud providers have a bunch of things that make them much more performant than the setup I’m whipping – they’ve got access to Hardware Storage Area Network (SANs) that they can run in one data center and have their disks in one place and their servers (with fiber connections) in another. Adding drives and using striping with appropriate RAID5/RAIDZ and other solutions gives them the ability to scale vertically much easier without sacrificing data integrity by just adding more disks, and without losing much speed network wise (with most data center traffic being essentially local and very fast).

I do know that that some providers run Ceph but I’d love some input from people in the space on just exactly how much heavy lifting custom SANs are doing relative to the software layer. Even just hardware RAID can offer a perf boost that I can’t go for.

What does it look like to actually set up this frankenstein on the hardware I do have access to?

In the end getting this setup up and running at a high level means:

  • mdadm RAID on the OS partition (Hetzner drives have mdadm RAID1 by default)
  • OpenEBS ZFS LocalPV on the rest of the space

To make this concrete, if a machine I have comes with 2 512GB NVMe disks my automation sets up:

  • ~160GB mdadm RAID partitions for the OS (across both disks), swap, etc
    • The rest of the drive is left as empty – there’s a partition that takes up the “rest” of the space
  • ~300GB zfs pool that is mirrored (across both disk) in the remaining space
    • Part of this is a 150GB static tank/longhorn ext4 ZVOL

On top of that, at the k8s-and-above-level I set up:

  • OpenEBS ZFS LocalPV to provision PVCs for performance sensitive workloads
    • I still need to find something to limit IOPS and/or throughput…
  • Longhorn sitting on top of the static tank/longhorn ZVOL

Setting up Longhorn to run on PVCs? Easy Peasy right?

Since I saw (but never tried) PVC support for Rook, I hoped Longhorn might have something similar but unfortuantely it didn’t. I ran into a few issues but at the end of the day Longhorn’s simplicity is still mostly unmatched and I’m very grateful to the Rancher team for releasing this awesome software for people to use for free.

Issue: Non-standard kubelet dir

Since I run k0s, I needed to set a non-standard kubelet directory on the driver deployer:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: longhorn-driver-deployer
  namespace: longhorn
  replicas: 1
      app: longhorn-driver-deployer
        app: longhorn-driver-deployer
      serviceAccountName: longhorn

        runAsUser: 0

        - name: wait-longhorn-manager
          image: longhornio/longhorn-manager:v1.2.0
          command: ['sh', '-c', 'while [ $(curl -m 1 -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://longhorn-manager:9500/v1) != "200" ]; do echo waiting; sleep 2; done']

        - name: longhorn-driver-deployer
          image: longhornio/longhorn-manager:v1.2.0
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - longhorn-manager
            - -d
            - deploy-driver
            - --manager-image
            - longhornio/longhorn-manager:v1.2.0
            - --manager-url
            - http://longhorn-manager:9500/v1
          - name: POD_NAMESPACE
                fieldPath: metadata.namespace
          - name: NODE_NAME
                fieldPath: spec.nodeName
          - name: SERVICE_ACCOUNT
                fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
          # Manually set root directory for csi
          - name: KUBELET_ROOT_DIR
            value: /var/lib/k0s/kubelet

# ... the rest is elided ...

A small change but super important for those who run k0s or k3s or other similar projects.

Issue: Getting access to volumeClaimTemplates by converting from Daemonset -> StatefulSet

By default the all-in-one Longhorn resource file (ex. you’re going to get a DaemonSet piece called the longhorn-manager. This sits on every node and negotiates storage for the various PersistentVolumeClaims that are created. Weirdly enough Kubernetes only supports volumeClaimTemplates for StatefulSets, so if I wanted a truly PVC driven setup, I needed to change longhorn-manager to a StatefulSet. There are two suboptimal things this forces:

  • Using node anti-affinity to ensure that managers aren’t placed on the same nodes
  • Manual management of the number of replicas to match the number of nodes I want the manager to run on (with the appropriate selectors, etc)

This is what it ended up looking like:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: longhorn-manager
  namespace: longhorn
    app: longhorn-manager
  serviceName: longhorn-manager

      app: longhorn-manager


        app: longhorn-manager

      serviceAccountName: longhorn

      # Ensure the pods are scheduled only on nodes with the 'storage.zfs' label
        storage.zfs: "true"
        storage.longhorn: "true"

      # Ensure no longhorn pods ever end on the same node
            - topologyKey: ""
                  - key: app
                    operator: In
                      - longhorn-manager


      - name: longhorn-manager
        image: longhornio/longhorn-manager:v1.2.0
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          privileged: true
          - longhorn-manager
          - -d
          - daemon
          - --service-account
          - longhorn
          - --engine-image
          - longhornio/longhorn-engine:v1.2.0
          - --instance-manager-image
          - longhornio/longhorn-instance-manager:v1_20210731
          - --share-manager-image
          - longhornio/longhorn-share-manager:v1_20210820
          - --backing-image-manager-image
          - longhornio/backing-image-manager:v2_20210820
          - --manager-image
          - longhornio/longhorn-manager:v1.2.0
          - containerPort: 9500
            name: manager
            port: 9500
          - name: POD_NAMESPACE
                fieldPath: metadata.namespace
          - name: POD_IP
                fieldPath: status.podIP
          - name: NODE_NAME
                fieldPath: spec.nodeName
          # Should be: mount path of the volume longhorn-default-setting + the key of the configmap
          # data in 04-default-setting.yaml
          - name: DEFAULT_SETTING_PATH
            value: /var/lib/longhorn-config/default.yaml
          - name: dev
            mountPath: /host/dev/
          - name: proc
            mountPath: /host/proc/
          - name: longhorn
            subPath: longhorn
            mountPath: /var/lib/longhorn/
            mountPropagation: Bidirectional
          - name: longhorn-config
            mountPath: /var/lib/longhorn-config/

        - name: dev
            path: /dev/
        - name: proc
            path: /proc/
        - name: longhorn-config
            name: longhorn

There are a few bits missing becasue I use kustomize to do my templating – so in my overlays/<cluster name> folder I have a strategic patch merge that looks like this:

# Longhorn Manager has been converted to a StatefulSet that behaves like a DaemonSet
# for the following reasons:
# - volumeClaimTemplates to generate local PVCs to use
# - anti-affinity should ensure separate nodes
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: longhorn-manager
  namespace: longhorn
    app: longhorn-manager
  # The replicas have to set to # of nodes manually
  replicas:  2

    - metadata:
        name: longhorn
        storageClassName: localpv-zfs-ext4
        accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
            storage: 128Gi

This was good enough to get me off the ground with regards to getting longhorn-manager running on PVCs rather than hostPath.

Issue: Longhorn PVCs won’t attach on nodes that don’t have a longhorn-manager running

This is just a bit of how Longhorn works – it turns out the longhorn PVCs won’t get created on nodes where longhorn-manager isn’t running. Unfortunately I didn’t record the exact error to put here, but I fixed this with nodeSelectors on the appropriate workloads to restrict to nodes where storage.longhorn=true.

Showstopper Issue: Longhorn ancillary workloads manipulate hostPath state for other workloads

While the longhorn-manager was running, the UI was usable, and the drives actually got Bound, I ran into an issue that sunk the ship (and forced the solution I ultimately went with). It turns out ancillary longhorn containers use hostPath and do things with the shared paths that other pieces depend on. In particular, this manifests itself as binaries being missing. Here’s an excerpt from longhorn-manager (I believe?):

E1009 06:19:11.773255       1 engine_controller.go:695] failed to update status for engine pvc-9f71b456-3106-4074-9a2d-a2eace2220f6-e-de46fc92: failed to list replicas from controller 'pvc-9f71b456-3106-4074-9a2d-a2eace2220f6': Failed to execute: /var/lib/longhorn/engine-binaries/longhornio-longhorn-engine-v1.2.0/longhorn [--url ls], output , stderr, , error fork/exec /var/lib/longhorn/engine-binaries/longhornio-longhorn-engine-v1.2.0/longhorn: no such file or directory
E1009 06:19:16.773298       1 engine_controller.go:695] failed to update status for engine pvc-9f71b456-3106-4074-9a2d-a2eace2220f6-e-de46fc92: failed to list replicas from controller 'pvc-9f71b456-3106-4074-9a2d-a2eace2220f6': Failed to execute: /var/lib/longhorn/engine-binaries/longhornio-longhorn-engine-v1.2.0/longhorn [--url ls], output , stderr, , error fork/exec /var/lib/longhorn/engine-binaries/longhornio-longhorn-engine-v1.2.0/longhorn: no such file or directory

While debugging this I went to check the position on disk:

$ k exec -it longhorn-manager-0 -- /bin/bash
root@longhorn-manager-0:/# ls /var/lib/longhorn
root@longhorn-manager-0:/# ls /var/lib/longhorn
longhorn/        longhorn-config/

I definitely didn’t expect the folder to be completely empty. I started doing some reading on [bidirectional mount propagation], which turned out to not be the problem (but is an interesting requirement). After some head scratching I started theorizing that the ancillary workloads (pods triggerred by longhorn-manager and friends) were actually doing the binary downloading. That said, it was possible that I was overwriting some binaries that were supposed to be in the longhorn-manager container so I ran it locally:

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash longhornio/longhorn-manager:v1.2.0
Unable to find image 'longhornio/longhorn-manager:v1.2.0' locally
v1.2.0: Pulling from longhornio/longhorn-manager
35807b77a593: Pull complete
c1ffcd782017: Pull complete
abb38587df9f: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:75aac5ee182c97d136a782e30f753debcf3c79d3c10d8177869c2e38cadc48ff
Status: Downloaded newer image for longhornio/longhorn-manager:v1.2.0
root@eab01ec907ac:/# ls /var/lib/
apt  dpkg  misc  nfs  pam  python  systemd  ucf  vim
root@eab01ec907ac:/# ls /var/lib/longhorn
ls: cannot access '/var/lib/longhorn': No such file or directory
root@eab01ec907ac:/# exit

Well that leaves only the theory about the ancillary containers downloading the binaries – and a quick check of the contents of the resources was enough to validate my assumptions:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  annotations: 00-k0s-privileged
  creationTimestamp: "2021-10-09T05:36:27Z"
  generateName: engine-image-ei-0f7c4304-
    controller-revision-hash: dc7b8949b engine-image ei-0f7c4304
    pod-template-generation: "1"
  name: engine-image-ei-0f7c4304-2plb8
  namespace: longhorn
  - apiVersion: apps/v1
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: DaemonSet
    name: engine-image-ei-0f7c4304
    uid: 455b1328-7be3-4d82-9245-6bbc4c6e47df
  resourceVersion: "91981962"
  uid: 934672b6-d18b-4080-8d7b-80b87d362400
        - matchFields:
          - key:
            operator: In
  - args:
    - -c
    - diff /usr/local/bin/longhorn /data/longhorn > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? -ne 0
      ]; then cp -p /usr/local/bin/longhorn /data/ && echo installed; fi && trap 'rm
      /data/longhorn* && echo cleaned up' EXIT && sleep infinity
    - /bin/bash
    image: longhornio/longhorn-engine:v1.2.0
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    name: engine-image-ei-0f7c4304
        - sh
        - -c
        - ls /data/longhorn && /data/longhorn version --client-only
      failureThreshold: 3
      initialDelaySeconds: 5
      periodSeconds: 5
      successThreshold: 1
      timeoutSeconds: 4
    resources: {}
      privileged: true
    terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    terminationMessagePolicy: File
    - mountPath: /data/
      name: data
    - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
      name: kube-api-access-64sdt
      readOnly: true
  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
  enableServiceLinks: true
  preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority
  priority: 0
  restartPolicy: Always
  schedulerName: default-scheduler
  securityContext: {}
  serviceAccount: longhorn
  serviceAccountName: longhorn
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
  - effect: NoExecute
    operator: Exists
  - effect: NoExecute
    operator: Exists
  - effect: NoSchedule
    operator: Exists
  - effect: NoSchedule
    operator: Exists
  - effect: NoSchedule
    operator: Exists
  - effect: NoSchedule
    operator: Exists
  - hostPath:
      path: /var/lib/longhorn/engine-binaries/longhornio-longhorn-engine-v1.2.0
      type: ""
    name: data
  - name: kube-api-access-64sdt
      defaultMode: 420
      - serviceAccountToken:
          expirationSeconds: 3607
          path: token
      - configMap:
          - key: ca.crt
            path: ca.crt
          name: kube-root-ca.crt
      - downwardAPI:
          - fieldRef:
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
            path: namespace

Once I checked on a one of the longhorn nodes I saw that the disks (which are the root OS disks!) had the files that were being searched for:

root@node-3 ~ # ls /var/lib/longhorn/
engine-binaries  longhorn-disk.cfg  replicas

Solution: Abandon PVC storage for Longhorn, pre-provision some host-storage

At this point I thought I had only two choices:

  1. Setting up a ZFS ext4 ZVOL manually on the relevant nodes and mounting it to /var/lib/longhorn
  2. Modifying longhorn to support non-hostPath storage for ancillary workloads

(1) is the easier solution and (2) seems like the “right” solution (though PVC support in Rook was somewhat late as well), so I took some time and asked the Longhorn team. Turns out it’s possible but pretty hard, so (1) is the far easier option, and what I went with after all.

So to go with that, I had to revert back to the DaemonSet (which felt better conceptually anyway) and use a hostPath that is backed by a mounted ZVOL.


So I happened to do a few fio runs (thanks to the excellent dbench which I’ve made some changes to) on both ZFS (during some separate storage experimentation I haven’t written up) and Longhorn, so here are some results to look at (unfortunately in textual form):

High level analysis (large grain of salt required)

fio is kind of annoying – In the future I’m likely going to have to stop using libaio since it makes for some really annoying/inconsistent results. I might also start working in some more tools like I did in the past – pgbench, sysbench or even dd. Right now I’ve got a few nice little Job that I carry around and use with fio so it’s very convenient.

Anyway, in general we can at least talk about the scales on which the different runs are – generally:

Hostpath has some great high level numbers for random reads/writes:

Random Read/Write IOPS: 271k/238k. BW: 1101MiB/s / 964MiB/s
Random Read/Write IOPS: 18.6k/460k. BW: 3472MiB/s / 3740MiB/s

ZFS (RAID1) on top of that has drastically worse performance:

Random Read/Write IOPS: 8198/123. BW: 1101MiB/s / 14.1MiB/s
Random Read/Write IOPS: 8797/2084. BW: 1285MiB/s / 279MiB/s

And Longhorn (psync) numbers are the worst of all (as we’d expect):

Random Read/Write IOPS: 1966/21.0k. BW: 80.1MiB/s / 81.7MiB/s
Random Read/Write IOPS: 2012/1347. BW: 83.1MiB/s / 43.2MiB/s

Raw output from fio for your perusal

hostPath on NVMe (RAID0)

Generally expected to be the highest possible performance, hostPath folders on a given node that has the relevant storage attached. If you care about this kind of thing, the storage driver is libaio and I’ve toggled O_DIRECT on fio. This is the theoretical limit

Results (libaio)

= Dbench Summary =
Random Read/Write IOPS: 18.6k/460k. BW: 3472MiB/s / 3740MiB/s
Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 273.36/
Sequential Read/Write: 9558MiB/s / 3147MiB/s
Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 13.3k/4445

Results (libaio, O_DIRECT)

= Dbench Summary =
Random Read/Write IOPS: 271k/238k. BW: 1101MiB/s / 964MiB/s
Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 71.94/17.67
Sequential Read/Write: 3219MiB/s / 813MiB/s
Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 131k/43.6k

ZFS (mirrored, blocksize=1M,compression=lz4) on NVMe

Results (libaio)

= Dbench Summary =
Random Read/Write IOPS: 8797/2084. BW: 1285MiB/s / 279MiB/s
Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 451.10/3505.75
Sequential Read/Write: 8025MiB/s / 850MiB/s
Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 1686/569

Results (libaio, O_DIRECT)

= Dbench Summary =
Random Read/Write IOPS: 8198/123. BW: 1101MiB/s / 14.1MiB/s
Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 512.16/39762.44
Sequential Read/Write: 6743MiB/s / 92.6MiB/s
Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 324/105

Longhorn on ZFS on NVMe

When running these tests I used my custom version to vary the IO engine – the numbers from psync look a lot more consistent/represenative of what you’d expect.

Results (libaio, FIO_DIRECT=0)

= Dbench Summary =
Random Read/Write IOPS: 1941/485k. BW: 80.9MiB/s / 4112MiB/s
Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 2108.66/
Sequential Read/Write: 746MiB/s / 2509MiB/s
Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 30/10

Results (psync, FIO_DIRECT=0)

= Dbench Summary =
Random Read/Write IOPS: 1966/21.0k. BW: 80.1MiB/s / 81.7MiB/s
Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 509651.19/1584.78
Sequential Read/Write: 729MiB/s / 185MiB/s
Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 1922/623

Results (libaio, FIO_DIRECT=1)

= Dbench Summary =
Random Read/Write IOPS: 25.1k/13.7k. BW: 203MiB/s / 93.8MiB/s
Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 470.69/771.32
Sequential Read/Write: 202MiB/s / 98.9MiB/s
Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 15.7k/5237

Results (psync, FIO_DIRECT=1)

= Dbench Summary =
Random Read/Write IOPS: 2012/1347. BW: 83.1MiB/s / 43.2MiB/s
Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 489.59/739.91
Sequential Read/Write: 200MiB/s / 61.7MiB/s
Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 1314/441

LVM instead of ZFS? (Update 10/28/2021)

After getting some fantastic feedback from reddit:

I got to doing some investigation on whether LVM was actually a better choice than ZFS for the underlying layer with the better write performance others were seeing. In the end the benchmarking wasn’t completely successful because benchmarking ZFS is hard due to it’s reliance (and expected use of) in-memory caching (ex. the ARC subsystem). I won’t recount all the details here, but the difficulty of benchmarking storage systems has taken another victim – I do have these takewaways though:

In the end I’m going with ZFS for my cluster rather than LVM despite the write perf difference, for a few reasons:

  • the inability to setup dm-integrity on just a partition (looks like full disks are required, which isn’t unreasonable, I guess, but is hard to do on Hetzner)
  • advanced features (compression, checksumming, CoW absolute security, tunability, fast snapshots and clones, zfs send/zfs recv) of ZFS
  • ergonomics of ZFS (to be fair, LVM is mostly set-and-forget for most, and that’s valuable too)

ZFS writes are slower in comparison but considering AWS provisioned IOPS for postgres are $.10/IOPS-month and 1000 IOPS (the lowest pre-provisioned amount you can get on RDS) would be $100, that’s already 2x what a whole ~6k IOPS hetzner server costs, so if I ever need to facilitate crazy IOPS demands I’ll just scale out and revisit the storage decision. Having faster reads that writes is also a pretty common database usecase so I think I’m happy with it.

In the future I’ll probably try and assemble all the guidance I’ve seen around Postgres + ZFS, so look out for that.


Well this was a fun exercise in combining solutions, and at the end of the day I have a setup I’m pretty happy with – allowing workloads with relatively small storage demands to float around, and with the option for storage-performance-critical workloads (which usually handle their own replication, like Postgres) to use closer to raw speed storage.

Hopefully this saves some people some time out there in deciding what to do with their storage setups. The vast majority of people are probably very happy with their local cloud provider storage provisioner but for those running on bare metal or looking for something different, this information might be useful.