Improving my security posture with ease by following best practices from a blog post ( thanks to thanks to Traefik and Kubernetes. This post is also unintentionally an exploration of the amount of work it takes to switch from Traefik v1 to v2.
Jetstack's cert-manager is one of the most important parts of my k8s cluster and I've waited entirely too long to update it. The path from v0.4.0 to v0.16.0 is grueling but pretty easy thanks to well-built software.
Traefik is my cluster ingress controller, and ahead of the addition of UDP support (which I'm pretty excited about) I'm upgrading Traefik from v1 to v2
Running mailtrain on kubernetes
I recently went through the trouble of setting up a (very unnecessary) instance of Zulip on my tiny k8s cluster for some people I co-work with. Setting up Zulip was more trouble, and sharing is caring.
I upgraded my tiny cluster from kubernetes v1.13.0 to 1.15.0, and only briefly visited a single pitfall.
More testing of OpenEBS on my small kubernetes cluster
I set up statping for a few websites I maintain on my small k8s cluster
How to disassemble software RAID on
How to use Gitlab deploy tokens with Kubernetes
Getting Linkerd 1 working on a small app in my Kubernetes cluster
Third and final part of my adventures and mistakes in trying to get untrusted workloads running on k8s (with container linux underneath)
Second part of my adventures and mistakes in trying to get untrusted workloads on k8s (with container linux underneath)
Adventures and mistakes in trying to get untrusted workloads on k8s (with container linux underneath)
I install Kubernetes on yet another linux distribution, this time Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, using ansible to make it happen
Deploying Jaeger to enable tracing support for an application on my kubernetes cluster
Switching from kube-lego to cert-manager (without Helm)
(FluentD + ElasticSearch + Kibana) x Kubernetes
Adding better monitoring for applications running in my k8s cluster using Prometheus.
Switching from ployst/docker-letsencrypt to jetstack/kube-lego for auto-generated SSL certs with Kubernetes.