K8s storage provider benchmarks round 2, part 5
I finish up the benchmarking process, and share the results. If you want to find what I actually end up using, the answer is in here!
K8s storage provider benchmarks round 2, part 4
I describe in detail the YAML and Makefile scripts that power the fio and pgbench based tests that will run on every storage provider I managed to set up
K8s storage provider benchmarks round 2, part 3
I install even more storage providers -- this time OpenEBS cStor, Jiva, LocalPV hostPath, LocalPV ZFS and LINSTOR
K8s storage provider benchmarks round 2, part 2
I start installing storage plugins, this time Rook (Ceph) -- which takes a while -- and OpenEBS Mayastor. Read this if you want to read a feel-good underdog system administration story.
Automatically closing issues is violence
How closing issues automatically is destroying our society, one cold trail at a time.
K8s storage provider benchmarks round 2, part 1
Part 1 of my second crack at benchmarking storage providers that scale from hobbyist to enterprise. In this post I go over the setup (the code isn't public just yet) of the dedicated servers I'll be using
K8s Upgrade Sunday 03-21-21
Kubernetes upgrade sunday -- A series of posts where I do some maintenance and upgrades on my k8s cluster that sometimes happens on a sunday. This sunday I work on node local DNS caching, kube-router, jaeger, cert-manager, traefik, and containerd
Serving a single file over HTTP with Rust and Go
Has anyone ever written anything that serves just a single file? Should this even be written? I don't know the answer but I've written it, twice.
Ingress Controller considerations in early 2021
Are there some other compelling ingress controllers for the Kubernetes ecosystem I should consider switching to in 2021?
Adding to the NodeJS Package Heap: async-wait-for-promise
Adding another tiny package to the NodeJS package heap for functionality that I just couldn't seem to find in other similarly sized packages.
SADE: a pattern for Services as DOM Elements
An idea on how to manage services and stores just as flexibly as components are handled. The answer: make them web components.
Stale kubeconfig breaking service to service communication with kube-router
Service to service communication broke down due to old Kubeconfig being fed to my old version of kube-router.
Back to Docker After Issues With Podman
Moving back to Docker (and enabling rootless containers) after running into issues with Podman
Right Sizing PM2 Clusters
I run a small experiment to figure out what the optimal setting is for pm2.
Protect Your Eyes From Strain on Arch
Use redshift/flux and safeeyes/breaktimer to keep your eyes fresh!
INCOMPLETE: Getting Started With Vue 2 (An Onion Guide), Part 1
Explaining Vue Going from almost-zero to Vue
Improving security easily with Traefik and Kubernetes
Improving my security posture with ease by following best practices from a blog post (https://www.simplecto.com/get-more-secure-websites-from-your-traefik-configuration) thanks to thanks to Traefik and Kubernetes. This post is also unintentionally an exploration of the amount of work it takes to switch from Traefik v1 to v2.
Downgrading to Kernel 5.8.9 to fix Bluetooth on Arch (2020-10)
Upgrading to Kernel 5.9.1 caused some issues for lots of the Arch faithful, in my case it wasn't graphics but actually Bluetooth that was heavily affected.
Cookie Authentication Without Nuxt Auth
How to do basic cookie based authentication with Nuxt, because nuxt-auth doesn't currently support HttpOnly cookies.
Bits and Bobs With Podman
Bits and bobs to make working with podman a little easier