Better K8s Monitoring Part 1: Adding Prometheus
Adding better monitoring for applications running in my k8s cluster using Prometheus.
Fun with Gitlab CI
Some fun infrastructure-related things you can do with Gitlab CI
Using Both Integrated And Discrete Graphics Cards
Setting up Arch Linux to use both integrated (on-board, Intel) and discrete GFX (Radeon) cards.
A reliable fix to Docker not keeping it's IPV4 address on Arch
A summary of the problem and fix I experienced with docker0 on arch
Adding (naive) email templating to my servant-powered haskell web application
An in-depth look at adding naive email templating to my Haskell web application.
Custom registries in JSPM from CI
Hacking my way to a working CI build with JSPM and custom registries
Haskell build issues on Arch Linux (tinfo6)
Some notes on issues I was having building haskell projects on Arch Linux
Adding a very naive in-memory cache to my Haskell web app
How I added very naive in-memory caching to my haskell webapp
Continuous Integration To Continous Delivery Haskell Project With Gitlab
Adding Continuous Delivery (CD) to my Gitlab-powered CI setup for my job board Haskell-powered web application
Zero To Continuous Integrated Testing A Haskell Project With Gitlab
Get up to speed with CI by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Switch From ployst/docker-letsencrypt to Jetstack's kube-lego
Switching from ployst/docker-letsencrypt to jetstack/kube-lego for auto-generated SSL certs with Kubernetes.
Adding Sqlite Powered Fts Search To A Servant Powered Haskell App
Adding light and easy Full Text Search with SQLite3 to my servant-powered web app
Update JSPM (SystemJS) + JSDOM + Vue testing integration
More changes & improvements to my JSPM (SYSTEMJS) + JSDOM + Vue testing strategy
Moving From Server Side Sessions To Client Side Session Tokens with Servant
Documenting my move from Network.Wai.Session to Web.ClientSession
SSH tunneling using an intermediary computer
SSH tunnel sandiwch? The proxy computer is the lunch meat.
Docker on Arch Linux - docker0 just doesn't seem to want it's IPv4 address
Recent instability running Docker on Arch -- docker0 just doesn't want to keep it's IPv4 address.
Setting Up Piwik on Kubernetes
Setting up a new Piwik instance on Kubernetes (including migrating old data)
Gandi 2017 Redesign
Gandi.net redesigned their website, and it's pretty nice
Serving email on Kubernetes with Mailu
How I set up mailu on Kubernetes.
Within seconds of using Pingdom I got email spam
This just happened, and I wonder how often it happens