Rootless Containers in 2020 on Arch Linux
A somewhat succinct no-bullshit guide to setting up rootless containers on Arch Linux
A recipe for running containers in your Tape tests
A code snippet for running containers from your super simple tape (https://github.com/substack/tape) NodeJS E2E tests
Upgrading Cert Manager From 0.4.0 to 0.16
Jetstack's cert-manager is one of the most important parts of my k8s cluster and I've waited entirely too long to update it. The path from v0.4.0 to v0.16.0 is grueling but pretty easy thanks to well-built software.
A Safer Price Type in Postgres
An exporation in defining a safer type for dealing with prices using basic Postgres constructs, and using those types happily with an ORM
Running containers for dependencies at will on Gitlab CI
Running containers for your dependencies during CI E2E tests in the background, without services
Announcing redis-bootleg-backup (rbb)
Announcing rbb (redis bootleg backup), a tool for backup up redis clusters with only client access. A tool for otherwise reasonable redis administrators backed into a corner and looking to jackhammer their way out.
A Servant API Testing Example From the Wild
A messy, real-life example E2E test case for an API I'm working on
Updating From Traefik V1 to V2.2
Traefik is my cluster ingress controller, and ahead of the addition of UDP support (which I'm pretty excited about) I'm upgrading Traefik from v1 to v2
Setting Up Mailtrain on K8s
Running mailtrain on kubernetes
Haskell exceptionfree-readfile library released
I finally got around to completing & releasing exceptionfree-readfile, a library for reading files that doesn't log any exceptions when you run a program with +RTS -xc -RTS, unlike base's readfile
2019-12 K8s certificate expiration outage
Who would win? 1 arguably competent developer or one expired encryption boi?
Python E2E Test Config on Circle CI
It took way more trial and error than I expected to set up E2E testing for a python-based project on CircleCI -- my loss (of time) is your gain.
Running Zulip on Kubernetes
I recently went through the trouble of setting up a (very unnecessary) instance of Zulip on my tiny k8s cluster for some people I co-work with. Setting up Zulip was more trouble, and sharing is caring.
Announcing Maille 0.1.1
If you're into Mithril, have I got the new shiny, experimental, component library for you!
Starting my journey with the System76 Oryx Pro and Arch
I recently got a System76 Oryx Pro, and despite one initial hardware issue I'm very happy with it. Installing Arch was a breeze, System76's open source drivers were easy to install. Excited to start my long journey with my new daily driver.
An Emacs Indentation setup for Java
Recently while working on a Java project in Emacs, I made some changes to the usual setup
I don't (fully) trust the CNCF
Some notes on my tinfoil-y thoughts about the CNCF
Kubernetes 1.15 upgrade (from 1.13.0)
I upgraded my tiny cluster from kubernetes v1.13.0 to 1.15.0, and only briefly visited a single pitfall.
A couple talks on Postgres and Gitlab (June 2019)
A few talks I gave in June 2019 separately on Postgres and GitLab
Count-Min Sketch in Haskell
A small focused Haskell library implementing a Count-min data sketch